在 2008 年, 富贵集团在交通便利的莎亚南, 开发了莎亚南首个唯一的私营的风景墓园 - 莎亚南富贵山庄, 以迎合该区蓬勃发展的人口需求。莎亚南富贵山庄地点适中,出入方便,只需15分钟车程通过主要的联邦大道可以通往吧生谷一代。
莎亚南富贵山庄设有标准双穴福地以及设计独特的四合院骨灰殿及基督或天主教徒的永恒生命馆骨灰殿供选择。 这是为了迎合各种宗教的需求。
莎亚南富贵唐城, 在深具意义的中华传统文化上为顾客提供了最有福气和堂皇的安息之所,以及我们最贴心的服务,这是接士毛月富贵山庄世外桃源之后的另一创举。
In 2008, NV Multi set up the Shah Alam MEmorial Park which is the only private memorial park in Shah Alam to fufil the demands of the growing towns. It is strategically situated in Shah Alam and takes only 15 minutes to access major highways from major cities in Klang Valley.
Build withing this memorial park are the standard double burial plots and the exclusively-designed Tang Villa Si He Yuan Columbarium and Perpetual Garden Columbarium. The wide range of burial products available suit the needs of various non-muslim religions.
The Tang Villa brings on total peace-of-mind and its indeed an excellent place to rest in peace. This is another great milestone achieved after Semenyir Nirvana Memorial Garden.
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